Logistics, Distribution and Warehousing

Scale up your reach and speed. Reduce operational costs. In the “Crossroads of America,” Southwest Indiana Megasite (SWIM) puts your operation in a central location opening maximum market access with transit to deliver at faster speeds and with lower costs to reach ROI more rapidly.

Three ready-to-move sites.
The 8,000-acre SWIM currently offers three prime sites with the advantages and flexible zoning ideal for rapid startup and long-term productivity:

  • Generation Springs: 340 acres
  • Indiana Southern Rail 4B Site: 400 acres
  • Norfolk Southern Rail Site: 760 acres

SW Indiana Megasite Site Map

SWIM sites deliver rapid speed and nonstop performance with: Interstate and highway access; a Norfolk Southern Rail Class I rail line and an Indiana Southern line connecting to a CSX Intermodal facility; and abundant electrical capacity, including another 345kV line under construction.

SW Indiana Megasite Transportation Map

Centralized access to markets across the Midwest and Southeast

SWIM puts your operation within 200 miles of major metros including Louisville, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Nashville, and within 400 miles of 15 major metros in 10 states encompassing a population of 81.6+ million.

High-quality, lower cost workforce

Distribution workforce within 45-minute drive time

Distribution workforce within a 60-minute drive time

Local average hourly wage

Regional average hourly wage

Speed to market, speed to ROI.
Reach markets and financial goals faster through multimodal shipping and high-impact incentives unique to SWIM.

Learn More About Logistics and Incentives Now


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